Friday, October 14, 2016

Popular Filipino Dishes

Chicken Adobo - Filipino Food
To help familiarize our website’s visitors with Filipino food in an easy way, we’ve drawn up a simple list of a few Philippine dishes and foodstuff commonly eaten in the Philippines. We’re still working on adding more pronunciation audio and photos. Do remember to check back soon! 

 Adobo: pork or chicken marinated in soy sauce and vinegar

BALUT: Filipino duck egg

 balutduck egg with a developed embryo


 Bagoong: fermented paste made from small fish or tiny shrimps

Pancit Bihon

 Pansit: Chinese-influenced noodles

Sinigang na Hipon
Sinigang na Hipon

 Sinigang: sour stew, with the souring ingredient usually being tamarind

Bicol Express (Bicolano dish)
Bicol Express (iconic dish of the Bicolano people)

Bicol Express: pieces of pork stewed in gata (coconut milk) with sili

Filipino Lumpia with sawsawan

Lumpia: spring roll / eggrolls

Longganisa: Filipino sausages
Longganisa: Filipino sausages

Longganisa: sausages
Tapsilog with sliced cucumbers
Tapsilog: combination of tapa (dried meat), sinangag (fried rice) and itlog (egg); a popular Filipino breakfast

tinortang talong
Tortang Talong (Eggplant “Omelet”)

Torta: omelet

Tinola: Filipino Food
Tinola: chicken stew with papaya

Afritada: meat stew with green peppers, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes
Kare-kare: ox tail stew with banana blossoms cooked in a peanut sauce
Escabeche: sweet and sour fish dish
Menudo: ox tail stew with chickpeas
Pinakbet: vegetable dish cooked with bagoong
Arroz Caldo: rice porridge with chicken
Kaldereta: goat stew
Kilawin: raw fish
Daing: dried fish
Dinengdeng: boiled vegetables with bagoong
Dinuguan: blood pudding with internal organs
Embutido: porkloaf sausage
Estofado: beef stew with beans, carrots and tomatoes
Ginataan: cooked with gata (coconut milk)
Inihaw: barbecued
Laing: taro leaves cooked in gata
Mechado: beef and onions cooked with tomato sauce
Paksiw: stew of fish marinated in vinegar
Pochero: chicken and pork stew with bananas and vegetables
Relyenong bangus: stuffed milkfish
Sinaing: boiled / steamed rice
Sinangag: fried rice
Tapa: seasoned dried meat
Tinapa: smoked fish
Tokwa: tofu
Ukoy: fried shrimp cakes

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